How to Start an Online Coaching Business (8-Step 2023 Guide)

If you’ve stumbled upon this post, you’re most likely thinking about - or are in the process of - starting an online coaching business.

Everyone needs some sort of guidance, and the internet makes it possible to reach people all over the globe. You already have the skills and experience to help others; you just need to build your online platform. It may seem overwhelming initially, but by following a proven step-by-step process, you can launch your own successful online coaching business.

In this guide, I’ll show you point-blank how to start an online coaching business in just eight steps. I’ll be drawing on my 15 years+ experience in helping business scale to assist you in navigating your chosen path. Let’s get started!

How to Start an Online Coaching Business: Step-by-Step business model

The below eight steps summarise the process of starting a digital coaching business model:

Online Coaching Business

  1. Define your coaching niche and expertise.

  2. Create your coaching program.

  3. Build your website to attract clients.

  4. Set up an email marketing campaign.

  5. Leverage social media to build your audience.

  6. Create content to establish yourself as an expert.

  7. Choose a business model / structure.

  8. Refine your pricing strategy.

Step 1: Define Your Coaching Niche and Expertise

So you want to learn how to start a coaching business from scratch? 


The first step is defining your niche and expertise.

Ask yourself, what subject area do you want to coach in?

What areas are you most passionate and knowledgeable about?

Choose a niche where you genuinely want to help people and have expertise.

Niches like life coaching, business coaching, health coaching, career coaching, etc., are too broad. You have to be more specific. Narrow it down to something along the line of “life coaching for college students” or “health coaching for busy moms.”

You should also determine your ideal client profile.

Who exactly do you want to work with?

Describe your target auidence in detail, looking into factors like age, location, income level, current challenges, and goals. The more specific you can get, the better.

Next, build your knowledge and skills. Take additional courses on coaching techniques or get certified in your field. Stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices. Your expertise and ability to get accurate client results will determine your success.

Finally, define your coaching philosophy and style.

What approach do you take?

Are you stern and straightforward or gentle and encouraging?

Determine how you can best serve your clients based on your strengths and personality.

Defining your niche, ideal client, and coaching style are the foundations of a successful online coaching business. Take the time to get very clear on these elements. Your clarity and confidence will shine through to your potential clients.

Step 2: Create Your Coaching Program

You need a solid coaching program to build a successful online coaching business. Your clients are paying for this, so take the time to develop something impactful.

First, outline your program. Decide on the number of sessions, topics you’ll cover, resources or “homework” you’ll provide, and the results your clients can expect.

For example, a 6-week life coaching program could include the following:

  • Weekly 60-minute video calls

  • Customized action plans and accountability

  • Tools for improving productivity, reducing stress, and achieving life goals

  • Ongoing support between sessions

Figure out your pricing and packages. You could charge by the session, offer monthly or quarterly programs, or provide package deals. Consider your audience, competitors’ rates, and the value you’re providing. Also, keep your prices aligned with your experience and credentials.

Promote your new program on social media and different ad platforms. Explain how it can change lives or businesses by sharing success stories and reviews from past clients. Offer free intro calls or discounted trials, too, so people can experience the value of your coaching.

Keep improving and updating your programs based on client feedback and the latest techniques. An online business constantly evolves, so continue refining your coaching to serve your clients better and set yourself apart. With a well-designed program, you’ll build a thriving coaching practice quickly!

Step 3: Build Your Website to Attract Clients

If you’re seeking how to start an online fitness coaching business or any other form of coaching, building your website is a crucial step to achieving your goals. You can establish your online presence and showcase your services with the right platform and design.

Here are five steps to help you get started:

  • Choose a website builder.

  • Focus on your offerings.

  • Share your story.

  • Include testimonials.

  • Offer a freebie.

a. Choose a Website Builder

I highly recommend Squarespace as the best website builder for a coaching business. It’s an all-in-one platform that makes it easy to create a professional website without any coding experience. You get to choose from beautiful Squarespace templates for coaches and consultants. Once you sign up, you can quickly customize the template by adding your brand colors, fonts, and images.

b. Focus on Your Offerings

Your website should communicate what you offer to your clients. Share details about your coaching programs, packages, methodology, philosophy, and credentials. Help visitors understand exactly what they can achieve by working with you. You might have pages for “Coaching Programs,” “Methodology,” “About Me,” and “FAQs.”

c. Share Your Story

In your “About Me” page, share your journey to becoming a coach. Discuss your experience, qualifications, education, and your passion for your work. Let visitors connect with you on a personal level. Your story and values are what will resonate most with potential clients.

d. Include Testimonials

Testimonials from happy clients are social proof that builds trust and credibility. Ask former clients if you can include a photo, their name, and a few sentences about their experience working with you. Feature at least 3 to 5 testimonials on your site.

e. Offer a Freebie

Create a lead magnet like a free downloadable resource to capture email addresses. It could be a guide, checklist, video training series, or mini-course. Offer the freebie in exchange for their email to build your list. Email is a great way to nurture relationships and promote your services (more on setting up an email marketing campaign in the next section).


An attractive, well-optimized website is essential for attracting coaching clients online. By focusing on your offerings, sharing your story, including testimonials, and offering a valuable freebie, you’ll have a website that converts visitors into paying clients. I have the perfect templates to incorporate all these features; check them out here and take your coaching business to the next level. For inspiration, you can also check out my website design portfolio for coaches.

Step 4: Set Up an Email Marketing Campaign

Now that your website is set up and optimized, it’s time to start building your email list. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with your clients, promote your services, and generate new business. If you’re looking for how to start a coaching business from scratch, don’t overlook the potential of a well-structured email marketing campaign.

solid coaching program

Here’s how to set up an email marketing campaign in five steps:

  • Set up your email service provider (ESP) account.

  • Create an email signup form.

  • Send a welcome email.

  • Set a regular email schedule.

  • Test and optimize.

a. Set Up Your Email Service Provider (ESP) Account

Sign up for an email service like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Drip. These ESPs make creating email campaigns, autoresponders, and landing pages more accessible. Most offer free or low-cost plans for small businesses.

Connect your ESP to your Squarespace website with simple clicks to capture email addresses. You can also contact me to set them up for you.

b. Create an Email Signup Form

Add an email signup form prominently on your website so visitors can join your mailing list. Offer an incentive like a free coaching call or resource to encourage signups. You can add signup forms to your social media profiles, and anywhere else your audience may engage with you online.

c. Send a Welcome Email

As soon as someone signs up, send an automated welcome email. Thank them for subscribing, and share more details about what they can expect from your emails. You can also include an initial offer or promotion to give them a taste of your services. This helps build engagement and trust from the start.

d. Set a Regular Email Schedule

Decide how often you want to email your list, e.g., once a week or a couple of times per month. A consistent schedule will keep your audience engaged and returning to your emails. You can send educational content, promote an upcoming webinar, highlight a new program, share success stories, or stay in touch with more personal updates.

e. Test and Optimize

Regularly review email open and click-through rates to see how your audience responds. Make changes to improve subject lines, content, images, calls-to-action, and more. Try different email types like video emails or live Q&As. Keep experimenting to find what resonates best with your readers.


With a solid email marketing strategy, you’ll be well on your way to building lasting relationships with your clients and growing a successful online coaching business. Your email list can become one of your greatest assets, so keep trying to provide value to your clients via this means.

Step 5: Leverage Social Media to Build Your Audience

Social media platforms are essential for building your online coaching business’s audience and customer base. Focus on the networks where your target clients spend their time, like Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn - depending on your demographic. That’s how to start an online life coaching business that will thrive.

Here is a five-point checklist for getting started:

  • Start with a professional profile.

  • Build connections.

  • Promote your services.

  • Opt for paid advertising (optional).

  • Engage and nurture.

a. Start With a Professional Profile

Create profiles highlighting your coaching experience, qualifications, and approach. Include a friendly yet professional photo and cover image.

Share updates, blog posts, success stories, and coaching tips to establish yourself as an expert. Engage with your followers by commenting on their posts and joining relevant Facebook Groups and LinkedIn discussions.

b. Build Connections

Connect with fellow coaches, clients, and people in your industry. Like and follow their accounts, and invite them to connect on LinkedIn.

Look for opportunities to collaborate by sharing each other’s content or co-hosting a webinar. These connections can lead to new clients through cross-promotion and referrals.

c. Promote Your Services

Once you’ve built your connections and credibility, promote your coaching services and programs. Share details about your offerings, fees, and ideal clients.

Consider posting testimonials and case studies highlighting the results and success of your current clients. Run contests and giveaways to increase engagement and build your email list.

d. Opt for Paid Advertising (optional)

Consider investing in Facebook and Instagram ads to promote your services to new potential clients for faster growth. Target your ads to people with interests and behaviors that match your ideal clients. Keep testing and optimizing your ads to lower costs and improve results over time.

e. Engage and Nurture

Stay active and engaged with your followers by posting 2–3 times weekly.

Share a mix of content, including the following:

  • Coaching tips and strategies

  • Success stories and case studies

  • Blog posts, videos, and podcasts

  • Details on new programs and services

  • Q&A’s, polls, and conversations

Overall, build trust and loyalty by providing value, answering questions, and nurturing your community. Social media engagement is vital for your target audience to gaining more coaching clients and growing a successful online business — don’t neglect this goldmine.

Step 6: Create Content to Establish Yourself as an Expert.

Content is king when it comes to building authority and trust. And to establish yourself as an expert in your coaching niche, you must create content that educates your audience. That’s how to start an online coaching business that exudes authority.

how to start an online coaching business

Some of the best types of content for coaches include:

  • Blog posts

  • Videos

  • Webinars or online courses

  • Podcast

  • Free downloadable resources

a. Blog Posts

A blog is essential for any online coaching business. It creates the difference between a business and a successful business. Aim to publish one to two weekly posts, around 700 to 1,500 words each.

Blog about challenges your clients face, strategies and techniques you use in your coaching, your experience and expertise, etc. Share actionable tips and advice as well. Over time, you’ll build up a valuable archive of content that establishes you as a thought leader.

b. Videos

Create a YouTube channel and start posting weekly video blogs or vlogs. These can be recordings of your coaching sessions (with client consent), “talking head” style discussions on essential topics, or screencasts where you share your screen and discuss concepts. Videos are engaging and help to build a connection with your viewers and help create a sense of trust between you and your target audience.

c. Webinars or Online Courses

For coaches, webinars and online courses are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and skill. Develop a series of webinars or short courses to teach your approach or methods. You can charge for these or offer them for free to generate leads — either way, delivering high-quality training establishes you as an expert.

d. Podcast

If audio is your thing, consider launching your coaching podcast. Interview other experienced coaches, talk about trends in your industry, and share stories of success from your practice. With frequent episodes, a podcast can be an excellent platform to strengthen your authority and connect with potential clients.

e. Free Downloadable Resources

Create opt-in freebies like workbooks, worksheets, resource lists, and cheat sheets. These demonstrate your ability to create valuable tools and resources for your clients. Offer them in exchange for your visitors’ email addresses so you can build your mailing list and set up an email marketing campaign (as discussed above). Email marketing to your list is one of the best ways to establish ongoing authority and trust.


With a consistent presence on multiple platforms, you’ll cement your status as an expert coach and authority in your field. Keep putting out helpful and impactful content, and your ideal clients will come calling. That’s how to start an online coaching business that provides value and attracts clients.

Step 7: Choose a Business Model / Structure

Apart from securing a coaching license, your process of starting an online coaching business isn’t complete without you choosing a business model and structure.

The two most common options for coaches are:

  • Sole Proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is the simplest structure. It’s inexpensive to set up and maintain, but you’re personally liable for all business debts and legal issues. This means your own assets are at risk if you face a lawsuit. However, as a coach, your liability risk is typically low. As a sole proprietor, you report your business income and losses on your tax return using Schedule C.

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): An LLC provides legal protection for your assets while still being easy to set up and run. You must file articles of organization with your state and pay an annual fee. While an LLC requires tax filings—either as a partnership or corporation—it provides more credibility and a professional brand for your business.

For most new coaches, a sole proprietorship is an excellent way to start. It’s easy and inexpensive, allowing you to focus on building your coaching practice. As your business grows and you gain more clients and revenue, consider converting to an LLC for liability protection and tax benefits.

The business structure you choose will depend on your needs and goals.

Do you want maximum control with minimum hassle?

Or are you more concerned about protecting your assets from the start?

Connect with a legal or financial advisor to determine what’s right for your unique situation. They can also help you officially establish your business by filing the necessary paperwork.

In summary, choosing the proper business structure is essential to creating a successful online coaching business. The structure you pick will affect your taxes, liability, and how you operate your business. Select the one that suits your current needs; remember, you can always change to another option as your business evolves.

Step 8: Refine Your Pricing Strategy

You’ve invested much time and money into building your online coaching business, so determining how much to charge clients is essential. Just be sure to continuously refine it as your experience grows. That’s how to start an online business step-by-step and making it become a top successful business within your niche.

Pricing Strategy

Here’s how to go about establishing a pricing strategy for your online coaching business:

  • Consider your costs first: Factor in expenses like website hosting, email marketing, continuing education, and time spent with each client. You need to charge enough to generate a profit. At the same time, your rates shouldn’t be so high that they turn potential clients away.

  • Think about your audience and competition: Research what other coaches in your niche are charging. Their rates can help determine an industry standard and give you a starting point. You may need to charge on the lower end of the range when you start, then increase your fees as you gain more experience and credibility.

  • Come up with a standard package: This could include a set number of sessions for a fixed price, e.g., six sessions for $500. You can then offer add-ons or upgraded packages at a higher price point. Some coaches charge by the session or offer monthly retainer fees. Choose an option that aligns with your coaching style and audience needs.

  • Consider offering a free intro call: This allows potential clients to get to know you before committing to your services. On the call, explain your packages and pricing, and determine if you’re the right coach for them. Some may sign up immediately, while others may need time to consider their options.

  • Don’t undervalue yourself: While you want your rates to be fair and affordable, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve invested in your education and skills, so charge what you’re worth. If clients don’t sign up right away, it’s okay. The ones who see your value will pay your fees. You can always negotiate or offer discounts to ideal long-term clients.

With the right pricing strategy, you’ll attract high-quality clients who appreciate your services. Start with a rate you’re comfortable with, and adjust as needed to find the sweet spot. Your online coaching business will be up and running in no time!

FAQ: How to Start an Online Coaching Business

Is online coaching profitable? 

The short answer is yes, online coaching can be very lucrative. According to Zippla, the average coach's salary in the US is $42,716. Full-time certified coaches working 6–8 hours daily earn about $50 to $500 hourly, translating into an annual salary of $70,000 to $600,000.

What do I need for an online coaching business?

To get started with how to start an online coaching business, you’ll need these five basics:

  • A professional website to establish your online presence: Your site should highlight your coaching offerings, experience, and credentials.

  • A scheduling and payment system: Popular options include Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and Stripe. These make it easy for clients to book and pay for calls with you. Fortunately, you don’t need a separate platform if you build your website with Squarespace since it comes integrated with payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. Here are some intuitive coaching website templates to get you started.

  • A quiet, distraction-free place to conduct coaching calls: Ensure you have a quality headset, webcam, and internet connection.

  • Active social media profiles: Build your following on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Engage with your audience and promote your services.

  • A defined coaching methodology and resources: Develop a structured approach to helping your clients and provide valuable materials they can reference between calls.

You can build a thriving online coaching business with the right mindset and strategy. Stay focused on serving your clients, keep learning and improving your craft, and success will follow.

How much should you charge for online coaching?

How much you charge depends on your experience, credentials, and the types of clients you want to work with. As a general rule of thumb, for 1:1 coaching, you can charge anywhere from $100 per hour; group programs may be lower per person. Offering a monthly membership or package deals can also increase how much clients are willing to pay.

How do I market myself as an online coach?

The keys to marketing yourself as an online coach are establishing your expertise, building your audience, and promoting your services.

Start by developing a professional profile and sharing valuable content on your website and social media. Engage with your followers, build genuine connections, and seek opportunities to mention your coaching. You can also get exposure by being a podcast guest, writing for industry publications, and partnering with complementary businesses. Word-of-mouth referrals from happy clients are the best marketing of all.


This guide has outlined a thorough eight-step guide on how to start an online coaching business that you can follow as a budding coach.

The process won’t always be easy, but if you put in the work, stay consistent, and focus on serving your clients, you’ll build something great. In a few months, you’ll have your website up and running, acquire new clients, and make an impact through your coaching. Before you know it, you’ll be living “the laptop lifestyle,” able to work from anywhere while helping others.

Keep learning and continually improve your craft, but also make sure to enjoy the journey. Starting an online business is rewarding, so celebrate the big and small wins. You’ve got this!

Now, go out there, take action, and start building your dream career online. And don’t forget to contact me if you need help setting up your Squarespace website to showcase your coaching services and packages/offers.


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